Easter Flowers For Delivery in Newark

Easter Sunday is just around the corner, on March 31st this year!!! Celebrate this Easter with a beautiful Easter floral arrangement from Newark Flower Shop in Newark, NJ! Easter is not just about baskets full of candy. Flowers are a very big part of this holiday in which they symbolize new beginnings and rebirth. Newark Flower Shop in Newark, NJ has absolutely gorgeous Easter floral arrangements and breathtaking Easter lilies that will add style and holiday cheer to your Easter Sunday dinner with family and friends! With a large variety of colors and styles to choose from, you’ll be sure to find the perfect East floral arrangement for someone special! Some of the most popular Easter flowers include Easter lilies, other lily varieties, tulips, daffodils, daisies, gerbera daisies and Irises. If you’re not sure what to get, leave it up to us, and we will creatively design you a spectacular Easter flower arrangement! As the top florist in Newark, Newark Flower Shop always goes above and beyond to guarantee complete customer satisfaction! With the best reviews in Newark, you can always count on us to deliver a spectacular flower arrangement with same-day delivery for your last-minute needs! We deliver to Newark, NJ, and all surrounding areas! We are offering a fantastic sale on all of our Easter floral arrangements! Take advantage of our amazing sale and order one of our gorgeous Easter floral arrangements from your local florist in Newark, NJ. Order your Easter floral arrangement online now from your local florist in Newark, NJ, and receive incredible discounts! Remember the early bird gets the worm!!!

Voted #1 Best New Jersey Florist!

Same-Day Flower Delivery / Open 7 Days a Week


Shop Flowers Online 24/7 With ‘Newark Florist’


When you shop flowers online with Newark Florist, you will see beautiful bouquet arrangements of flowers hand-crafted with passion, attention to detail, and great care.

Newark Florist is committed to creating beautiful flower arrangements and floral gifts for any occasion. From Anniversary and Birthday flowers, to Valentine’s and Mother’s Day flowers, Newark Florist has the best selection of floral designs for every unique occasion.

As a top florist in Newark, NJ, each of our floral arrangements get the time and personalized attention they deserve. Newark Florist passionately makes all bouquets in house, and personally delivers to your recipient in Newark so they are guaranteed to receive fresh and beautiful flowers every time with an added personal touch. Pick out a gorgeous floral arrangement on our website and order flowers online through our convenient and secure checkout page. Newark Florist will expertly arrange your bouquet of beautiful blooms and can even create a custom arrangement or gift basket for your special occasion.

Newark Florist offers flower delivery in and around Newark, as well as nationwide delivery through our reliable florist network! Newark Florist provides same-day flower delivery for your last minute gift needs as well.


More Fun Facts About Easter Flowers


Spring is a time for renewal, and nothing embodies that feeling more than Easter. In spring, nature brings new life in the form of blooming flowers and sunshine. As the days get longer and the weather warmer, flowers spring forth to embody the hope of the season. Easter flowers are often brought into our homes or given to loved ones as a symbol of the season, but not every flower has the same meaning. Today we are sharing the 5 most popular Easter flowers and their meanings so that you can choose your blooms with confidence.


One of the most popular flowers to send or receive for Easter is an Easter Lily. Much like the holiday itself, Easter lilies symbolize purity and rebirth. Easter lilies are often associated with Christianity and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as observed on Easter. The large trumpet-shaped bloom stands-out compared to other lily varieties, making this unique plant one of the most popular Easter flowers.


Tulips are often associated with the bright and playful nature of the Spring season, which is matched in their meaning. While each color has its own interpretation, tulips as a flower often symbolize having a cheerful nature. More specifically, yellow tulips symbolize cheerful thoughts, white tulips mean forgiveness, pink tulips mean happiness, red tulips stand for love, and purple tulips symbolize royalty. Though there are many options for Easter flowers, tulips are able to capture the rebirth of the season, while adding light to any space.


While other spring flowers symbolize rebirth or a cheery disposition, irises have a deeper meaning. Much like Easter lilies, irises most commonly embody faith, spirituality, and hope. The most popular color of iris, purple, is often associated with royalty. In combination with the purple hue, irises are thought to symbolize wisdom and courage, making them a great choice for Easter flowers.


One of the most recognizable Easter flowers are daffodils. Similar to Easter Lilies, Daffodils are marked by their trumpet shaped bloom. Daffodils are commonly thought to symbolize new beginnings and sunshine because of their bright yellow hue. Daffodils are one of the most resilient flowers and continue to come back every year. Much like spring, daffodils are a symbol of new life that returns with the season.


Spring brings a variety of colorful and unique blooms, but none of them are as timeless and classic as the daisy. While daisies grow in many colors, white daisies are most synonymous with springtime. Daisies symbolize purity and innocence as well as having a playful or childlike nature. Many Easter flowers capture the values of the season, and daisies are no exception.

Spring and Easter alike indicate a time of rebirth for not only nature, but every aspect of our lives. If you or your space are in need of a fresh start, any of these 5 most popular Easter flowers could be just the trick to lift your spirits.